Sonata Software announces Bonus Shares for 2023 – Record Date Set

Sonata Software Ltd, a company that helps businesses with technology solutions, has some exciting updates for its investors! They are giving bonus shares,

which means they are giving extra shares to people who already own some of their shares. This is the second time they’re doing this in the last 2 years.

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The special date for this bonus offer is before December 15th, and it’s essential for investors to pay attention to this date.

If your name is on the company’s list of investors on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, you will get these bonus shares.

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The company announced that for every share you own, which originally costs Re 1, they will give you an extra share as a bonus.

This isn’t the first time Sonata Software Ltd is doing this – they also gave bonus shares to investors in 2022. Back then, for every 3 shares an investor had, they got 1 extra as a bonus.

Here’s some good news for those who invested in Sonata Software: in the past year, the price of their shares has more than doubled, increasing by over 100 percent! If you held onto these shares for the last 6 months, you’ve gained 39 percent.

And in the last month alone, the shares have gone up by more than 14 percent.

So, if you’re one of the lucky investors, it looks like your investment is doing really well! Keep an eye on the important dates,

and you might enjoy some extra benefits from Sonata Software.

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