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Apple to Provide iPhone 14 users with additional 2 years of Free Emergency SOS Feature

Last week, Apple shared that they will give iPhone 14 users the Emergency SOS feature for free for two more years.

Tim Cook, the big boss of the company, told everyone about this later on. Apple introduced the Emergency SOS feature when they released the iPhone 14.

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If you’re not sure what Emergency SOS is, it’s a helpful service. It lets people in trouble share where they are using the Find My app and send messages through iMessage.

So, in simple words, this feature helps to keep people safe when they’re in trouble.

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Apple first introduced the Emergency SOS service in the United States and Canada.

Then, they expanded it to 16 more countries. However, this service is not available in India yet.

Apple might introduce it in India soon because the company has been working more there lately.

Before starting the Emergency SOS service, Apple needs to get important permissions from the government.

Kaien Drance, who works at Apple and talks about iPhones, shared that using emergency SOS with satellites has helped save lives all over the world.

We often hear stories from our customers, like a man who was rescued after his car fell off a very tall cliff in Los Angeles or hikers lost in the Apennine Mountains of Italy.

These people were able to reach emergency responders. If they were using a different device, they wouldn’t have been able to do this.

He mentioned that we are very happy that users of iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 can use this special service for free for two more years.

Let me explain, right now Apple provides the Emergency SOS service for free, but in the future, they will start charging for it. This means they will use a subscription model.

Besides the iPhone 14, people will also get this service for two years in the company’s newest model.



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