Steady Prices for Wheat, Sugar, and Edible Oil THIS Festive Season

As the festive season approaches, the demand for essentials like wheat, sugar, and edible oil tends to surge.

To ease the burden on consumers, the government has taken crucial steps to control prices during this festive period.

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Wheat Stock Limits

To prevent hoarding and price manipulation of wheat during festivals and ensure food security for all, the Indian government has imposed stock limits on traders, wholesalers, retailers, and processors across states and union territories.

To curb rising wheat prices, the government has lowered the wheat stock limit from 3000 MT to 2000 MT.

Food Secretary Sanjeev Chopra mentioned that wheat prices have recently risen by 4%, with retail prices at Rs 30 per kg.

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Despite efforts to stabilize prices and increase supply, some individuals continue to hoard wheat deliberately.

Stable Sugar Prices

Food Secretary Chopra reassured the public that there is currently no shortage of sugar, and existing stocks are sufficient to meet demand.

While rumors of price hikes have circulated in some markets, there are no concerns about sugarcane production.

Favorable weather conditions in sugarcane-growing regions during September and August have positively affected crop growth.

Additionally, Chinese companies are consistently sharing their stock data, which will soon be synchronized.

The Food Secretary pledged that there would be no shortage of essential food items during the upcoming festive season, and prices would remain in check.

He added that if necessary, the government is prepared to take stricter measures.

Adequate Edible Oil Stocks

The Secretary also assured that edible oil prices would remain stable during the festive season.

Currently, there is a stockpile of 37 lakh tonnes of edible oil, compared to 27 lakh tonnes last year.

The government is actively monitoring hoarding activities, conducting surprise inspections to ensure a fair market.

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