Special Pension Benefits for Children under EPS 95 Scheme (Scheme Details)

Employees and their families connected with the Employee Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) have many benefits, and not many people know about them.

One such benefit is linked to a pension. In simple words, if a person’s parents worked

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and were members of the Employee Pension Scheme (EPS), their children, if orphaned, can receive a pension.

How much money is received?

As per EPFO information, the pension amount is 75 percent of the monthly widow pension.

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This amount is given to each of two orphan children simultaneously, and the minimum is Rs 750 per month.

So, under EPS, two orphan children receive Rs 1500 per month. The pension is provided until the age of 25.

If someone is disabled, they receive the pension for life. If the children are orphans and qualify for the pension, EPFO must be informed about the parent’s death.

Pension for Widows

In this scheme, after the employee passes away, the wife receives a monthly widow pension, with a minimum of Rs 1000.

If the employee has children, two of them also receive a monthly pension until the age of 25. The amount received by children is 25 percent of the widow pension.

However, for this, it’s necessary that the employee fulfilled the required conditions for the pension before their death.

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