Russia and India working towards Visa-Free Travel

The longstanding friendship between India and Russia has garnered global recognition for its resilience and support during times of crisis.

Now, both nations are poised to deepen this bond by exploring the possibility of visa-free tourist entry between them, aiming for implementation by 2024.

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Negotiations and Plans for Visa-Free Travel

Negotiations for a bilateral agreement facilitating travel between Russia and India are set to commence in June, as announced by a Russian minister.

The plan includes provisions for visa-free tourist groups to enhance tourism ties between the two countries.

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Progress and Future Steps

Nikita Kondratyev, Director of the Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation and Special Projects of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development,

revealed that coordination efforts within India’s internal ministries are in their final stages.

The draft agreement is expected to be discussed for the first time in June and potentially signed by the end of 2024.

Furthermore, both nations express readiness to strengthen their tourism relations, with plans underway for the exchange of visa-free tourist groups.

Talks are scheduled to begin in June, with the aim of finalizing the bilateral agreement by year-end.

Additionally, Russia aims to build upon its existing visa-free entry and free travel agreements with other nations like China and Iran.

Initiatives launched with these countries in 2016 have proven successful, and Russia now seeks to extend similar benefits to India.

Kondratyev emphasized Russia’s desire to build upon the successes of existing visa-free entry agreements with countries like China and Iran.

Notably, Russia aims to replicate these achievements by advancing similar arrangements with India, fostering greater people-to-people exchanges and boosting tourism between the two nations.

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