Nothing launches A New Nothing Chats App for Android Users

A tech company called Nothing, based in London, just released its own messaging app called Nothing Chats.

It works like the messaging app on iPhones, and now it’s available for Android users too. The CEO, Carl Pei, made this app for people who use Android,

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and it’s currently only for those with the company’s latest phone in North America, the EU, and other parts of Europe. Users can start using it from this Friday, November 17th.

Features of Nothing Chats

Nothing Chats is like Apple’s iMessage, which is a popular app in the US. To help Android users, Nothing made this app with the same features as iMessage.

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In iMessage, you can send single or group messages, know if someone read your message, see if they’re typing, and even send voice notes.

Nothing Chats has all these features too. Some features are available now, and the company is still working on others that will be out soon, like read receipts and message reactions.

Privacy for Users

The CEO, Carl Pei, said they care a lot about users’ privacy. He mentioned that all messages are saved only on the user’s device, not on a server, so your messages stay private.

In Nothing Chats, sent messages appear in blue, just like in iMessage, so they’ve solved the Blue-Green debate.

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