LPG Price: Cylinder Prices Surge on THESE Cities After State Elections

The cost of LPG cylinders has gone up after the elections in five states. Starting today, December 1, 2023, the prices have increased from Delhi to Patna and Ahmedabad to Agartala.

In Jaipur, Rajasthan, the cylinder now costs Rs 1819, and in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, it’s Rs 1804.5. The 19 kg cylinder in Hyderabad, Telangana, has risen to Rs 2024.5.

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This rise in prices affects commercial cylinder consumers, particularly the 19 kg commercial cylinders. Domestic LPG users, however, are not affected by this increase.

Today, the 19 kg LPG cylinder price has gone up by Rs 21. In Delhi, it is now Rs 1796.50, in Kolkata Rs 1908.00, in Mumbai Rs 1749, and in Chennai Rs 1968.50.

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Good news for 14.2 kg cylinder users, as there is no change in their prices today. The price of this type of cylinder was reduced by Rs 200 on August 30.

As per the Indian Oil website, the 14.2 kg domestic LPG cylinders remain at the same rates as of August 30.

In Delhi, it’s Rs 903 per cylinder, Kolkata Rs 929, Mumbai Rs 902.50, and Chennai Rs 918.50 on November 1, 2023.

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