iPhone14 SOS: iPhone14 Satellite SOS Service available in THESE Countries

Tech giant Apple announced Tuesday that it is expanding its Satellite Emergency SOS service.

Now users of France, Germany, Ireland, and the UK, along with America, will also be able to take advantage of the Satellite Emergency SOS service with the iPhone 14 series.

Explain that with the help of this technology, users can send messages using satellite to Apple’s emergency service even when outside cellular and Wi-Fi coverage.

Apple introduced the new Satellite Emergency Service with the iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus, iPhone 14 Pro, and iPhone 14 Pro Max.

The company had said that this service would be given free of cost for the first two years.

Apple’s new Satellite Emergency Service works with iOS 16.1 or later.

Users can send and receive messages with Emergency SOS in as little as 15 seconds through satellite.

How does satellite connectivity work?

Even when there is no mobile tower through a satellite network, the smartphone gets network connectivity directly.

The smartphone communicates with a Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite during this process.

It can share its location with emergency service providers or contact them now using the Find My app.

That is, due to network connectivity in the phone, users do not have to worry about the network from the mobile tower; instead, users will be able to call and message without it.

Satellite networks become very useful when getting network connectivity from mobile towers in remote areas is difficult.

In this, users can make calls and messages with the help of satellite connectivity even without a cellular network on the smartphone.

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