Google to lay off Hundreds of Employees from Advertising Sales Team

In the start of 2024, many large companies have begun to let go of many workers.

According to a message from Business Insider, Google, which is a big company, is getting ready to let some people go from its advertising sales group.

Before this, the company had just said it was going to let go of many people in its hardware, core engineering, and Google Assistant teams.

Google said this

Google’s Chief Business Officer Philipp Schindler has shared in a note that the company will soon be letting go of many workers in the advertising sales group as part of a plan to make changes.

This will impact a lot of employees in that team. The company is using AI to help figure out how much money it should spend on different tasks.

Also, Google’s Chief Business Officer Philipp Schindler, in a conversation with Business Insider, mentioned that this step will directly help our customers. We’ll be able to offer them products based on what they need.

Google has recently announced layoffs

Before deciding to let go of workers in the advertising sales group, last week, Google’s parent company, Alphabet Inc., declared that it would be letting go of employees working on Augmented Reality in its hardware team.

Additionally, the company had instructed its central engineering team to let go of some employees.

All these job cuts were planned in the third quarter of 2023. As of September 2023, Alphabet Inc. has a total of 182,381 employees.

Citigroup will lay off 20,000 employees

Citigroup Inc., a major American bank, is going to let go of more than 20,000 employees over the next two years.

The bank aims to cut 8 percent of its total workforce by 2026. This decision comes after Citigroup reported its worst quarterly results in 14 years.

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