Garlic Farming: Lucrative Opportunity for Home-Based Income

Farming and selling at markets are key for farmers looking to earn. But if big earnings from farming interest you, here’s an idea worth considering: garlic farming.

Many young folks are ditching traditional jobs to try their hand at it, raking in lakhs of rupees from home within just six months.

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Why Garlic Farming?

Garlic is a sought-after cash crop, in constant demand across India for its culinary and medicinal uses. Successful garlic cultivation can lead to significant wealth, but it requires careful attention to detail.

How to Start

Wait until after the rainy season, ideally around October or November, to begin garlic cultivation. Plant garlic cloves about 10 cm apart, ensuring they settle well.

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Ridges should be formed for optimal growth. Any soil type works, but avoid waterlogged fields. Expect harvest in 5-6 months.

Uses of Garlic

Garlic finds its way into pickles, chutneys, and dishes as both a spice and a remedy for various ailments. Its antibacterial and anti-cancer properties make it valuable in treating high blood pressure, digestive issues, and more.

Beyond culinary use, garlic-based products like powder and paste offer additional revenue streams for farmers.

Earnings Potential

With multiple garlic varieties available, farmers can yield up to 50 quintals per acre, fetching prices ranging from Rs 10,000 to Rs 21,000 per quintal. Costs may run up to Rs 40,000 per acre.

Cultivating the Riya One variety can bring in Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh per acre. Known for its quality, Riya One bulbs can weigh up to 100 grams, each containing 6 to 13 buds.

Embarking on garlic farming presents a promising opportunity for substantial earnings from the comfort of home. With careful planning and dedication, success could be just a harvest away.”

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