Flipkart to soon start Same-Day Delivery Service in THESE Cities (Check List)

Big online store Flipkart shared today that they are getting ready to deliver items on the same day in many cities.

If you live in Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhubaneswar, Coimbatore, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Kolkata, Ludhiana, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Pune, Patna, Raipur, Siliguri, or Vijayawada, and you order before 1 pm, your product will arrive before midnight on the same day.

This new plan is starting in February, and in the next few months, it will slowly be offered to more people all over the country.

Through this special plan by Flipkart, customers can now receive their orders on the same day for items like phones, clothes, beauty products, lifestyle items, books, home appliances, and electronics.

This means customers can quickly get the things they want in just one day.

Flipkart sends over 120 million packages every month and has worked hard to make sure its delivery system is strong.

They’ve invested in many places to build centers where they store products. This helps them offer same-day delivery, even to faraway areas in the country.

Hemant Badri, who is in charge of making sure things run smoothly at Flipkart, shared, “Now it’s the year 2024.

In this New Year, many customers all over the country will be happy to receive their orders on the same day they buy them.

We know that people from both big cities and smaller ones like to shop on Flipkart.”

That’s why we’re trying to deliver things on the same day in 20 cities. We want to make sure we keep our promise to make customers really happy.

In the next few months, we’ll make it better by adding more things. This will make customers even happier.

We’ll include more types of items like big appliances, and we’ll deliver to more cities too.

He also said, “We want to make our system better so we can handle lots of orders from our sellers and customers every day. We want it to work well in big cities and smaller ones too.”

We spent money on advanced technology, used data analysis, and learned what people usually want. This helps us be ready to deliver on the same day you order.

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