Emmforce Autotech IPO Opens Today (See Details)

Today, a company called Emmforce Autotech Limited is selling part of its ownership to the public for the first time.

They want to raise about Rs 53.90 crore by selling shares. Each share starts at Rs 10. People are already interested in buying these shares even before they officially go on sale.

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If you want to buy shares, you can do it from today, April 23rd, until April 25th, 2024.

The company plans to sell about 5.5 million shares, and they’re all brand new. The price for each share is between Rs 93 to Rs 95.

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Wondering when you’ll actually own the shares? If you successfully buy them, you’ll know on April 26th.

If you don’t get them, you’ll get your money back on April 29th. The shares will be in your demat account on April 29th too.

Finally, they’ll officially become yours on April 30th. You can buy them in batches of 1200 shares at a time.

Now, if you’re curious about the price, people are saying the shares might be worth a lot more than they’re being sold for.

Some websites are saying they could be worth Rs 100 more than the selling price, which is a big increase.

So, if this keeps up, the shares could be worth Rs 198 when they officially start trading.

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