Elon Musk’s New Platform to Fight Misinformation

Elon Musk made a new website called “X”. It helps people know if posts are true or not by letting users add helpful comments to them.

They announced the website on Thursday and welcomed new users from India. They want to make sure the comments are good and helpful.

Goal: To stop lies

The website, X, wants to stop lies by asking people from different backgrounds to write comments. They don’t take sides but rely on everyone’s comments to know if something is true.

X says the website works well when people with different ideas agree. They look at old comments to see which ones everyone found helpful.

X thinks lots of people like this way of checking facts because it’s fair and everyone can join in.

In December 2022, the website let everyone see comments from around the world, but only some people could write them.

Now, they let people from 69 countries write comments. Last year, they started letting people comment on photos and videos too.

India was one of the last big places where people couldn’t comment. With elections soon, many websites are trying to stop lies, but X hasn’t said what they’re doing for India yet.

Even though people have been helpful in checking facts on X, sometimes lies still spread, even with extra comments.

It might be hard to stop lies in India where there are many languages and politics are complicated.

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