CNG Prices Drop Late Evening Announcement Reveals New Affordable Rates

There hasn’t been any big news about how much it costs for petrol and diesel lately, but there’s some good news about CNG.

Mahanagar Gas (MGL), a government company, has made CNG cheaper. They reduced the price by Rs 2.5 per kg. Now, CNG costs Rs 73.50 per kg.

Why did the price go down? Well, because the cost of gas used to make CNG went down, so they lowered the price. They announced this change on March 5th.

Now, CNG costs 53% less than petrol and 22% less than diesel in Mumbai.

This means that using CNG will become more popular because it’s cheaper now.

In Delhi, CNG costs Rs 76.59 per kg. But the prices for petrol and diesel haven’t changed nationally for a while. In Delhi, petrol costs Rs 96.72 per liter, and diesel costs Rs 89.62 per liter.

In Mumbai, petrol costs Rs 106.31 per liter, and diesel costs Rs 94.27 per liter.

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