Calculating Electricity Bill for Running a 1.5 Ton AC: Savings in 5-Star Compared to 3-Star

As the scorching summer approaches, many households seek relief from the heat by using air conditioning.

However, concerns about the electricity bill often deter people from installing AC units. To help you make an informed decision, let’s discuss the estimated electricity bill for running a 1.5-ton AC.

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It’s worth noting that 1.5-ton AC units are highly popular for effectively cooling small to medium-sized rooms or halls.

Yet, many individuals remain unaware of the expected electricity bill associated with these units.

Let’s delve into the specifics to determine the monthly electricity bill for running a 1.5-ton AC.

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Electricity Bill Calculation:

The electricity bill for an AC primarily depends on its power consumption. AC units are available in the market with ratings ranging from 1 star to 5 stars, indicating their energy efficiency.

One-star AC units are cheaper but consume the most power, while five-star AC units are the most power-efficient. However, three-star AC units strike a balance between cost and energy efficiency.

For instance, if you install a 1.5-ton split AC with a 5-star rating, it will consume approximately 840 watts (0.8 kWh) of electricity per hour.

Assuming an average usage of 8 hours per day, the AC will consume 6.4 units of electricity daily.

If the electricity rate in your area is Rs. 7.50 per unit, the daily bill would amount to Rs. 48, resulting in a monthly bill of around Rs. 1500.

On the other hand, a 1.5-ton AC with a 3-star rating consumes 1104 watts (1.10 kWh) of electricity per hour. Running it for 8 hours daily would consume 9 units of electricity.

Accordingly, the daily bill would be approximately Rs. 67.5, totaling around Rs. 2000 per month.

By opting for a 5-star rated AC, you can save approximately Rs. 500 on your monthly bill.

Considerations for Making a Choice:

Based on the above calculations, you can now plan your purchase according to your budget. Determine whether a 5-star or 3-star AC is more suitable for your needs.

It’s worth mentioning that several companies offer Dual Inverter AC units in the market, which reduce energy consumption by adjusting the compressor speed.

If your budget permits, opting for a dual inverter AC would be a wise choice.

By considering these factors, you can select an AC unit that meets both your cooling requirements and budget constraints.

Keep in mind that energy-efficient choices not only reduce your electricity bill but also contribute to environmental sustainability.

Disclaimer: The provided electricity bill calculations are estimates and may vary based on factors such as AC usage patterns, electricity rates, and individual circumstances.

It is advisable to consult with an electrical expert or refer to the manufacturer’s specifications for more accurate information.

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