Bajaj launches India’s First Behavioral Balanced Fund (last Date)

Bajaj Finserv Asset Management Company just launched a new fund called the Balanced Advantage Fund.

This special offer will start on November 24, 2023, and will be open until December 8, 2023. It’s the first balanced advantage fund in India based on behavioral science.

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Key Features of Bajaj Balanced Advantage Fund

Bajaj Finserv Asset Management introduced the Bajaj Finserv Balanced Advantage Fund.

It’s an open-ended dynamic asset allocation fund suitable for investors interested in equity and equity-related investments.

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It’s also a good choice for those investing in derivatives and fixed-income instruments.

Important Points about the New Fund

The benchmark index for Bajaj Finserv Balanced Advantage Fund is Nifty 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 50:50 Index.

You can start investing with a minimum amount of Rs 500 (and multiples of Rs 1). Additional investments require a minimum of Rs 100 (and multiples of Rs 1).

Equity Allocation Guidance

Unlike traditional methods, which use fundamentals and past performance, Bajaj Finserv AMC’s investment team uses behavioral science models to guide equity allocation.

The fund increases equity allocation when market valuation is low and decreases it when it’s high.

Understanding Bajaj Finserv AMC BAF Model

The Bajaj Finserv AMC BAF model estimates fair market value based on future share earnings, fund development expectations, and interest rates.

The fund helps manage market volatility and optimize returns by setting entry and exit points.

Long-Term Returns

Bajaj Finserv BAF uses a unique investment model that combines behavioral science and financial insights.

This approach allows investors to optimize returns despite market fluctuations.

Instead of relying solely on quantitative models, the Bajaj Finserv AMC investment team also considers practical aspects. This can lead to better long-term returns.

Bajaj Finserv Asset Management’s Perspective

According to Mr. Ganesh Mohan, CEO of Bajaj Finserv Asset Management, “Our BAF is an example of an approach where behavioral science and financial insights are balanced.

This helps us make informed investment decisions. I believe you’ll see more behavioral science-based ideas and products in the industry soon.”

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