Australia tightens Visa Rules for Indian Students

Sydney :

The Australian government is implementing stricter rules to deter “visa hopping” among foreign nationals, especially affecting students, including those from India.

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Changes in Education Visa Policy

From July 1, significant changes are being made to the education visa policy in Australia.

These changes aim to make it more difficult for individuals to convert tourist visas into study visas upon arrival, particularly impacting Indian students.

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Impact on Temporary Visa Holders

The tightening of rules also extends to holders of T-visas, which will directly affect Indian-origin youth, especially those from Punjab,

who frequently utilize these visas for educational purposes in Australia.

Challenges in Obtaining Study Visas

Previous Methods of Visa Conversion

Many individuals used to enter Australia on tourist visas and subsequently convert them into study visas by enrolling in smaller colleges. These colleges often provided temporary visas known as T-visas.

Increased Stringency in Visa Requirements

Obtaining a study visa in Australia has become increasingly challenging. Besides high IELTS scores, visa officers now scrutinize family income and other criteria, making it harder for students to secure visas.

Recent Changes

Earlier this year, Australia introduced several changes to restrict visa conversions and reduce migration levels. Effective July 1, two pathways allowing visitor visa and temporary graduate visa holders to apply for onshore student visas will be closed.

Expert Opinion on Stricter Visa Regulations

According to study visa expert Sukant Trivedi, the Australian visa system is becoming more stringent.

Many individuals of Punjabi origin used to exploit visitor visas to change their status upon arrival, disrupting the immigration system with unskilled and undereducated arrivals.

Future Trends

Trivedi suggests that all students should now obtain study visas from India before traveling to Australia, reflecting the new regulatory landscape and its impact on migration patterns.

These revisions aim to streamline immigration processes and ensure that visa holders meet stringent educational and skill requirements from the outset.

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