Vodafone Idea’s FPO opens on April 18 (Price Range)

Vodafone Idea FPO: Vodafone Idea’s new sale of shares is happening from April 18.

If it goes well, it will be the biggest one in the country. Earlier in July 2020, Yes Bank had a sale like this worth Rs 15,000 crore, which was the biggest one so far.

Also, Adani Enterprises had one worth Rs 20,000 crore in February 2023, but they canceled it later.

Before putting money into Vodafone Idea’s sale of shares, here are 10 things you should know:

FPO Dates: It starts on April 18 and ends on April 22, 2024.

Price Range: Each share will cost between Rs 10 to Rs 11.

Reserved Shares: 35% of the shares are set aside for regular investors. The rest is for big investors and others.

Purpose: The money raised will mostly go into improving the company’s services and paying off some debts.

Lot Size: You can buy shares in lots. One lot has 1,298 shares, costing around Rs 14,278 at the highest price.

About the Company: Vodafone Idea is the third biggest telecom company in India and the sixth biggest globally. It offers various services like calls, internet, and more.

Financial Situation: The company lost a lot of money in the last few months, but its revenue increased. However, it has a big debt to pay.

Managers: Some big companies are helping with this sale, like Jefferies, Axis Capital, and SBI Capital Markets.

Risks: The company owes a lot of money to its suppliers and has been losing money recently. It also has a lot of debt.

Share Allocation: Shares will be given out on April 23 and credited to investors’ accounts by April 24.

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