Sellers Accuse Flipkart of Violating FDI Policy Over New Pricing Rule

Flipkart News:  Sellers on Flipkart’s platform have raised concerns over recent policy changes preventing them from adjusting product prices since mid-May.

Accusations of violating FDI policies and favoring larger sellers have surfaced, sparking a debate on fairness and competitiveness in e-commerce.

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Flipkart’s Policy Shift and Seller Grievances

In a bid to enhance transparency, Flipkart consolidated its fee structure, limiting seller flexibility in price adjustments.

This move has particularly affected smaller sellers, who claim they are unfairly restricted compared to larger counterparts.

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Seller Perspectives and Challenges

Small-scale sellers highlight difficulties in responding to market changes, citing instances where attempts to raise prices triggered system prompts to maintain historical settlement values.

This constraint, they argue, hampers their ability to manage costs and respond to market dynamics effectively.

Flipkart’s Defense and Regulatory Perspective

Flipkart asserts compliance with FDI regulations, emphasizing its role as a platform rather than a price regulator.

Despite claims of enhanced support and communication channels, small sellers report disparities in assistance compared to larger sellers, suggesting systemic inequalities.

Legal Implications and Expert Opinion

Legal experts point out potential breaches of FDI norms, asserting that differential treatment in pricing autonomy between sellers constitutes misuse of market dominance.

The debate underscores regulatory challenges in ensuring fair practices within India’s e-commerce sector.

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