Samsung Wallet Partners with Paytm to Offer Enhanced Ticket Booking Services

Samsung has teamed up with One97 Communications, the parent company of Paytm, to integrate ticket booking services seamlessly into the Samsung Wallet app.

Partnership Details

Samsung announced a strategic partnership with Paytm to enhance user experience by offering comprehensive ticket booking services through Samsung Wallet.

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Users can now book tickets for flights, movies, shows, and events directly via the Samsung Wallet app, leveraging Paytm’s platform.

Additionally, a new feature allows users to add external tickets to Samsung Wallet for consolidated management.

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Benefits for Samsung Galaxy Users

This collaboration aims to simplify ticket purchases for Samsung Galaxy smartphone users. By updating the Samsung Wallet app, users gain access to a variety of booking options, including flights through Paytm and events via the Paytm Insider app.

Samsung also plans to introduce discounts of up to Rs. 1,150 on first-time bookings through these integrated services.

Additional Features

Apart from ticketing services, Samsung Wallet introduces a Referral Programme where users can earn up to Rs. 300 in gift cards by referring new registrations.

Moreover, a tap-and-pay offer is forthcoming, rewarding users with an Amazon gift card worth Rs. 250 after four transactions.

This partnership underscores Samsung’s commitment to enhancing digital convenience and customer rewards through its wallet app in India.

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