Now QR Code to identify Real or Fake Medicine (See How?)

Starting from August 1, the central government has implemented a new method to identify fake and genuine medicines.

The move mandates the use of QR codes on 300 different medicines.

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By scanning these QR codes, users will gain access to comprehensive information about the medicine, including its proper name, generic name,

brand name, manufacturer’s details, manufacturing date, expiry date, and license number.

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QR Code to tackle Fake Medicines

In a significant step to address the issue of counterfeit medicines, the government has now made it mandatory for pharmaceutical companies to incorporate QR codes on their products.

With this measure in place, consumers no longer need to worry about verifying the authenticity of the medicine they purchase from the pharmacy.

Strict Instructions and Penalties

In an effort to ensure compliance, the government has amended the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940,

directing all pharma companies to include H2/QR codes on their medicine packages. Failure to adhere to this directive may result in substantial fines imposed on the companies.

Enhancing Health Security

This decision is expected to greatly mitigate the problem of spurious drugs, bolstering health security for the general public.

The government’s move represents a crucial step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of citizens.

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