Must know THESE Indian Railways Rules before Travelling by Train

The Indian Railways is a very big train system that started 177 years ago. It’s one of the largest in the world.

The train tracks all over the country are really long, estimated to be more than 68,000 kilometers.

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This makes it easy for people to travel conveniently across India. If you travel on trains a lot, it’s important to know the rules about railways.

The railway company made these rules to make things easier for passengers.

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Because of this, passengers don’t have to deal with any problems. Let’s learn about these rules.

Pulling the Emergency Chain

If you’ve been on a train in India, you might have noticed emergency alarm chains by the doors of each coach.

Although you might feel like pulling the chain at times, doing so can cause problems.

Rules in Indian railways say you should only pull the alarm chain in a real emergency, like someone being sick, a danger to passenger safety, an accident, or if a child, elderly person, disabled person, or friend has missed the train.

Middle-Berth Rule

There is a very important rule about the middle bed in an Indian Railways train.

The middle beds are the ones between the top and bottom beds and have to be folded down from the ceiling.

The rule says passengers cannot fold down the middle bed during the day because the top and bottom beds are used as seats.

Passengers can only sleep on the middle bed from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. If a passenger sleeps beyond this time, the person with the bottom bed can ask them not to.

No Disturbance After 10 p.m.

A train ride can be a long one, and for it to be enjoyable and not tiring, it’s important not to disturb passengers during the journey.

Generally, passengers shouldn’t be disturbed after 10 p.m., and that’s why even the TTE needs to check tickets before that time.

Another rule is that all lights in the coach, except the night lights, must be turned off so passengers can rest properly. That’s also why food on trains can’t be served after 10 p.m.

Avoid Loud Sounds

To not bother other passengers, everyone should be mindful of how loud they are.

If you’re watching a video or listening to music on your phone or another device, it’s suggested to keep the volume low or use headphones.

It’s suggested to talk quietly on a phone call to avoid disturbing passengers who are resting or sleeping.

The rule was made because Indian railways got many complaints about people causing problems for others.

The staff on the train, like the Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE), those who manage food services, and other railway workers, are there to help and guide passengers in following the rules.

Fixed Prices for Food

If you go on buses or airplanes, you might see that things are sometimes more expensive than their original prices.

But it’s different on trains in Indian Railways. They made rules to set the prices of packed food like snacks, meals, and drinks, so passengers are not charged too much.

This is to make sure that passengers are not charged too much, and the products follow specific quality standards.

If a vendor engages in unfair practices, passengers can report them, leading to penalties or license cancellation.

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