Govt Offer subsidy of up to 25% for THIS affordable Buisness

Mithilanchal Makhana from Bihar has received a special tag called GI. The government is encouraging not only the growth of Makhana but also its processing.

If you live in Bihar and want to start a business, here’s a great chance. The government is offering financial help, giving up to 25% subsidy on a Makhana Processing Unit.

You can make good money by starting your own Makhana processing unit with the government’s support.

The Bihar Government Horticulture Directorate, Agriculture Department, mentioned in a tweet that you can be part of the success of Makhana processing.

They are providing grants for starting a Makhana processing industry under the Bihar Agricultural Investment Promotion Policy.

For more details and to apply online, visit the Horticulture Directorate website today:

Now, what is BAIPP?

BAIPP stands for Bihar Agricultural Investment Promotion Policy. It promotes agricultural processing units in Bihar.

Investors in agri-processing and agro-based industries receive capital subsidies.

Individual investors setting up fruit and vegetable processing industries get up to 15% subsidy, and Farmer Producer Organizations (FPC) can get up to 25%.

You can avail of this subsidy under the Bihar Agricultural Investment Promotion Policy.

The Agriculture Department of the Bihar Government, through the Horticulture Directorate, is offering capital subsidies to investors in agri-processing and agri-based industries.

For individual investors, the subsidy is up to 15%, and for Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO/FPC), it can go up to 25%.

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