Google’s New Plan to Stop Android Phone Fraud (See Details)

These days, it’s easy for people with Android phones to lose money because of scams.

Bad people use new tricks to trick people online or with apps. Google has a new plan to help protect people from scams.

Google’s plan to stop scams

Bad people try to trick regular people by making fake apps on the Google Play Store. So, Google is making its protection against scams even better.

This protection will help keep Android users safe from losing money. Google will start this in Singapore soon, with the help of the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA).

How will it work?

Google’s better scam protection will look at apps and stop bad ones from installing. These bad apps might try to do things that are not good for your money.

When you try to install an app from places like a web browser or messages, this protection will check if it’s safe.

It will check permissions

This new Google protection will look at the permissions an app asks for in real time.

It will especially look at four things: RECEIVE_SMS, READ_SMS, BIND_Notifications, and Accessibility.

Google saw that bad people often use these to steal important messages or see what’s on your screen.

Google says that more than 95% of bad apps ask for these permissions when people download them from places other than the Google Play Store.

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