Flipkart Launches Super Money UPI Payment App

Flipkart, known for its e-commerce platform, has ventured into the UPI market with its new payment app, Super Money.

Previously associated with PhonePe, Flipkart now introduces Super Money as a standalone UPI payment solution.

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Super Money Beta Version Now Available

Users can now download the beta version of Super Money from the Google Play Store. This app enables mobile payments and promises cashback incentives based on user transactions.

Flipkart plans to enhance Super Money based on user feedback to improve its functionality and user experience.

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Background and Future Prospects

Flipkart had acquired PhonePe in 2016, but the two companies separated in 2022. Both are now under Walmart’s ownership.

Super Money aims to enhance access to financial services and revolutionize user experiences with digital payments.

Emphasis on Security and User Experience

Security is a top priority for Flipkart, ensuring secure transactions and data protection for Super Money users.

The app supports card payments alongside UPI transactions, aiming to provide a seamless payment experience.

Flipkart intends to continuously update Super Money based on user reviews to stay competitive in the mobile payment app market.

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