EPFO extends Higher Pension Deadline for Employers till THIS Date

Providing good news for its members, the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has given more time to fill in information for the Higher Pension Option (EPFO Higher Pension).

The deadline has been extended by 5 months, now until May 31, 2024.

EPFO shared official information, mentioning that employers now have extra time to decide on the higher pension option. They can complete the details for their employees until May.

The deadline has been extended several times

In November 2022, the Supreme Court made a big decision for people who have subscriptions and pensions with EPFO.

After this, members of EPFO began to have the option to apply for a higher pension online.

Following that, the time limit to apply for a higher pension has been extended many times.

Originally, this deadline was set to finish on December 31, 2023, but it has been extended again. Now, employers have more time to handle applications for a higher pension.

So many applications received so far

As per a report from the Economic Times, around 17.49 lakh employees and pensioners have applied to choose the higher pension option for July 2023.

Out of these, 3.6 lakh applications, either individually or jointly, are still with the employers waiting to be processed.

With the deadline extended, employers will have more time to handle these applications. EPFO has millions of subscribers in the country.

How to apply:

  1. Visit the e-seva portal: https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/.
  2. Choose the “Pension on higher salary: Exercise of joint option” option.
  3. Click on “Application form for joint options – Joint options”.
  4. Enter your UAN, name, date of birth, Aadhar number, Aadhar linked mobile number, and captcha.
  5. Select “Get OTP”.
  6. Enter the OTP and click on Validate.
  7. Choose submit.
  8. Your application number will be generated after this.
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