Elon Musk Introduces various New Features under Subscription Plan

Since Elon Musk took over X (formerly Twitter), significant changes have been implemented, including the introduction of various features under a subscription plan.

Livestreaming Changes and Premium Subscription

X has announced that users will soon need a premium subscription to start livestreaming on the platform.

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This feature, which is free on other social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, will cost users Rs 566.67 per month in India. X has not specified a start date for this change but emphasized it will happen “soon.”

Users will no longer be able to use X integration on encoder platforms to initiate livestreams without a premium subscription.

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Premium Subscription Plans and Pricing

Elon Musk has been focused on boosting X’s revenue through subscription models. Premium subscription plans start at ₹ 215 per month for basic

features on the web and go up to Rs 1,133 per month for the Premium+ tier, offering enhanced functionalities.

Future Changes: Charging for Posts

Musk has hinted at the possibility of X charging new users a fee to post on the platform in the near future.

This move follows the platform’s introduction of a $1 posting fee for new users in certain regions like the Philippines and New Zealand.

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