CGHS Cardholders: Ministry Puts Hold on ABHA ID Linking Requirement

New Delhi:

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has decided to delay the mandatory linking of Central Government Health Service (CGHS) beneficiary IDs with Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) IDs.

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The Ministry had earlier announced that linking these IDs would be compulsory from April 1, 2024, a deadline later extended to June 30, 2024.

However, in a recent memorandum dated June 25, 2024, it stated that this requirement has been put on hold until further notice.

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Understanding ABHA: Your Unique Health Record Identifier

The ABHA number, similar to a bank account number, is a 14-digit unique identifier used to access and share health records digitally across various systems.

It simplifies the process of maintaining and accessing personal health information securely.

Benefits of ABHA for Patients

The ABHA number provides patients with a convenient way to store and access their medical history digitally.

It eliminates the need to carry physical copies of medical records when visiting different healthcare providers, whether government or private.

Impact on Central Government Employees

Linking CGHS beneficiary IDs with ABHA numbers would allow central government employees to access their health records via mobile devices.

This initiative aims to facilitate easier access to Personal Health Records (PHR) and streamline processes such as booking OPD appointments using QR codes at wellness centers.

Initially set to take effect from April 1, 2024,

this requirement has been extended beyond June 30, 2024, as per a memorandum dated June 25, 2024.

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