OnePlus Offline Sales to halt on some Indian States (see why?)

A group called South India Organized Retailers Association (ORA) made a big decision recently.

They said they might stop selling OnePlus products in their stores.

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ORA has been asking OnePlus to fix some problems for months, but nothing has happened yet.

So, they wrote a letter to OnePlus, saying they might stop selling OnePlus products in their stores.

In the letter to Ranjit Singh, who works at OnePlus, ORA said they’ve had problems selling OnePlus products for a year.

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They tried to talk to OnePlus about these problems, but nothing got better.

ORA said OnePlus didn’t keep its promises, so they have to do something drastic.

ORA said that selling OnePlus products didn’t make much money for them, and it was hard to keep their stores running because of that.

They decided to stop selling OnePlus products in their stores from May 1, 2024.

This will affect over 4,500 stores in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Gujarat.

People in these places won’t be able to buy OnePlus phones or other products from stores anymore.

Even though ORA’s letter to OnePlus hasn’t been shared with the public yet, Moneycontrol says they saw it.

They also tried to ask OnePlus about it, but they’re still waiting for a response.

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