Airtel slaps with a Rs 4 Lakh Fine by DoT for Verification Norms Breach

DoT is very careful about keeping telecom users safe. They have strict rules for telecom companies to follow.

Recently, the Department of Telecommunications fined Bharti Airtel around Rs 4 lakh for not following subscriber verification rules in Delhi and Bihar areas.

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The company was fined Rs 2.55 lakh for the Delhi area. In Bihar, the company will have to pay a fine of Rs 1.46 lakh. Let’s discuss this in detail.

Airtel fined Rs 4 lakh

As per Bharti Airtel’s official statement, the Department of Telecommunications in Delhi Circle has sent a notice imposing a fine of Rs 2.55 lakh for supposed violation of subscriber verification rules.

Additionally, the department in Bihar Circle has also sent a notice to the company, imposing a fine of Rs 1.46 lakh for breaking subscriber verification rules, Bharti Airtel mentioned in a different statement.

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When was the notice issued

The Delhi Circle has sent a notice for suspected breaking of rules regarding customer verification norms mentioned in the license agreement, based on the sample CAF audit done by DoT in January 2023.

In Bihar Circle, the notice was issued based on the sample CAF audit conducted by DoT in January 2024, according to the filing.

However, the company has objected to the penalty imposed by DoT in Bihar Circle.

The notice from DoT Bihar Circle stated that the fine imposed is the maximum financial impact.

The company disagrees with the notice and will take necessary steps to correct or reverse it.

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