Airtel launches Smartwatch for Easy Payments (Feature Details)

Usually, we use our phone or cash and card to pay for things. Now, Airtel has released a special smartwatch that helps you pay easily.

They’ve made something called the Airtel Payments Bank Smartwatch. With this watch, you can pay without touching anything.

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A brand called Noise is working with Airtel Payments Bank and MasterCard for this watch. With the Airtel Payments Bank Smartwatch, you can just tap and pay.

You can pay amounts from 1 rupee to 25 thousand rupees using this watch. And it’s not just for paying – it has other good things too.

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The watch has a small screen that’s about 1.85 inches big. It can get very bright. It also looks after your health.

It can check your heart rate, measure oxygen levels in your blood, track your sleep, monitor menstrual cycles, and has 130 different sports modes.

You can choose from three colors for this smartwatch. It can make calls using Bluetooth and its battery lasts for 10 days.

Plus, it has something called NFC, which helps with payments.

You can also pick from 150 different watch faces that are saved online. And it’s waterproof and dustproof too!

You can connect this smartwatch to your savings account using an app called Thanks. It costs 2,999 rupees and comes in black, gray, or blue.”

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