EPFO adds 17.21 Lakh New Members in September 2023

Great news about jobs in big companies! The Employees Provident Fund Organization has included 17.21 lakh new members in September 2023.

As per EPFO’s information, there are more jobs in big companies this September. Specifically, there are 21,475 additional members compared to August.

Additionally, this month, 38,262 more people have joined compared to September 2022.

Youth are getting employment

As per the information from the Labor Ministry, a total of 8.92 lakh new members joined EPFO in September 2023.

Notably, most of the new members are young people. This month, 58.92 percent of the new joiners are between 18 to 25 years old.

This indicates that more and more young individuals in the country are finding employment, and many of these new members are starting their jobs for the first time.

The number of people leaving EPFO has decreased since June 2023

Similarly, EPFO data indicates that a total of 11.93 lakh individuals have left EPFO and then re-joined.

These are individuals who changed their jobs. If we focus on those leaving EPFO in September 2023, it’s 3.64 lakh subscribers.

This shows a significant decrease of 12.17 percent in the number of people leaving their jobs this month.

These numbers are particularly positive because there has been a consistent decline in the number of people leaving jobs since June this year.

There was so much participation of women

The states where many young people have found jobs are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat, and Haryana.

Together, these states account for 57.42 percent of the total. Maharashtra alone contributes 20.42 percent to this.

Regarding women’s involvement, out of the 8.92 lakh new members, 2.26 lakh are women.

The total number of female subscribers who joined in September 2023 is 3.30 lakh.

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